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Message from Sophie Venecia Reyes:


I have been defending this short film from the start because I believe that we need to talk about it, to make people react and to make others want to act, so that the truth is finally shared. This is possible if we all stand together and consider the crimes of stolen babies in Spain to be a major subject of our time.


The aim of this short film is to stir up and raise awareness. This project has been supported from the start by many people and we need all of you to support and make it a priority subject.


Spread the word  Past acts cannot be forgotten if they still have a negative impact today on thousands of people. We all have the right to know the truth, it is by speaking out that we will bring - the possibility of a better future for the victims and possible resilience.


Thank you to all the associations that fight for stolen children — who trust us and give us their support. With the Everything Inside Us association, we work hand in hand with several Spanish associations.

#nonoscallaranfilm #wewontbesilenced #insideusfilms #everythinginsideusofficial #stolenbabies #bebésrobados #bébésvolés #bethechange #actdifferently #sophieveneciareyes

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